One day we were sitting around with nothing much to do when Zack asked it we could cut his hair in a mohawk. Looking at his hair in this picture, you can see why I felt that ANY haircut at that point would be a good idea! So I told him to ask him mom, and if she had no objections, we'd do it. It was all systems go from Chris, so we commenced to barbering! We had a blast doing it, and when we were done, we had a lot of fun with him.
Lindsay knew what needed to be done with the whole deal, so she got Elmer's Glue and began to help Zack's spikes STAY in place. After a few hours, and LOTS of glue and hair drying later, he came out looking like this picture shows. His spikes were a full five inches long and hard as nails. You could quite literally, "pluck" them like a guitar string, and they'd sit there and vibrate!

As a child, there was none sweeter. He was just the most snuggly little boy there ever was, with the biggest heart in the whole world. He used to tell us that he "lubbed us with all his hearts!" He was an adorable kid. As he grew up, he didn't lose that special quality that makes him such a great part of our family. He is always willing to help, and is very respectful of his parents.
Zack is homeschooled by Chris right now, and is doing great. We enrolled him in High School this year (10th grade), and it was his decision to come home from High School and be home schooled again. He said he was tired of not learning anything, and always listening to the teacher tell kids as old as him to sit down and shut up all the time. He said it was a waste of his time. So, Chris will finish him through high school just like she did Andrew.

Zack? I love you so much son. Don't ever change! Be your same crazy individual self for ever ok? It would be a loss to everyone for you to "be assimilated." Resistance is NOT futile! Be yourself.
This is me, loving my son... take it or leave it.
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