This is Lindsay, Andrew and Zachary. (Linz - 22, Drew - 19 and Zack - 16). Look at them! Does it get any better than that? We are very very close. Lindsay was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Drew was born on Guam during a TYPHOON! And Zack was born in Florida. Perfect.
These kids are unusual in many ways. First of all, they're all best friends! They hang out together, love on eachother, laugh with eachother, and pretty much get along better than any siblings I know. Sure, they have their moments when things aren't so rosey... but for the most part they are very good for eachother. They're also unusual in that they are VERY VERY close to their mother and I. How many kids this old do YOU know that still climb into their parent's bed on saturday morning, come in a kiss and hug us goodnight, and pretty much always obey us, and ARE STILL RESPECTFUL? Well, mine are. I am so very lucky.
My kid's friends can't believe how close we are as a family. They come over and can't believe how much lovin' and huggin' goes on, and how much fun we have as a family just hangin' out with each other. We're a very close family, and these three have been the best thing that's happened to my wife and I - other than finding eachother in this mad mad world.
As a father, I couldn't have it any better. With my diseases, I can't do a lot around the house. These guys help their mom keep the house going. Sure, we have to prod, bribe and very rarely threaten, but for the most part, they roll up their sleeves and pitch in. Currently they're all living at home, and we love it. Our house is always full of laughter, barking, yelling, teasing, and a lot of love. I love them all!
This is me... take it or leave it.
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