We stopped along the way and took pictures of each other, and played in the water, and kissed and hugged... and kissed some more!
Zack and Chris are very close. Every time I would turn around, they'd be walking hand in hand or arm in arm. It's awesome to see how much our kids love and respect their mom. She is so good with them. So fair and even handed. I've often told my kids how lucky they are to have a mother like her. And I've often told Chris how much I would have loved to have had a mom like her... Is the Oedipal? Who knows, and who cares!
Chris got hold of the camera and I posed like a model. We liked the leaves in the background, and I worked really hard to look as though I was being thoughtful and contemplative out in nature. Fact of the matter is, we had a hard time not cracking up doing this shot. I think it's a good one of me... but it was the day that made that smile appear on my lips. My wife and son, strolling along in the crisp fall air, enjoying eachother, loving on eachother and having fun. It doesn't get any better than that. I'm sure that's just what I was thinking here.
Of course, going up that canyon wouldn't be complete without crossing dangerous logs and risking getting soaked. Zack was giving his mom a hand getting across a log up by the old power station. It was wet and slimey, and by the time I got there, I wished I had a hand!
Instead of falling in though, Chris made it in style and had to celebrate! This was such a good time! We were going to a place many people call the old church. And when you get there, it sort of looks like one. But the reality is, it's an abandoned power station that used to make hydro-electic power way back when. But that isn't nearly as romantic a notion as an old abandoned church...
What would a trip to an abandoned church be without saints and stained glass windows? This is Saint Christine, patron saint of motherhood, loving dogs, and needy husbands. Please ensure you bow and genuflect and make an offering in the poor box please!

Of course, no church only has one window, so here we see Saint Zachary and Saint Christine, side by side. St. Zachary is the patron saint of butt cracks, wild hair, and drooling... you already know what St. Christine is patron saint of!

Once inside, we ran into another couple who gladly took this picture of Archbishop Mike, Saint Christine and Saint Zachary. I couldn't say I'm a saint, because nothing is further from the truth! But I can say that this day was one of the best days of my life. We love going up the canyon together. Zach and I make several trips together every summer. This summer we're going to find the mystery lake up above Alta if it kills us! Last fall we tried to, but got snowed on and had to turn back! But this year, we'll make it.
When you have family around you like this, it makes everything that much better. I love my family and I especially love spending time with them like this. I wouldn't trade times like this for my health, for gold, position or prestige... You can never replace these memories.
This is me... take it or leave it.
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