(Or... I'll never get my fingers straight again!)
That is one of the best things about my family, we're all nuts. We have so much fun together and simply enjoy eachother's company. For example, the other day the power was out for most of the day. Linz and I sat down and played Dominos with eachother (I dominated 2-1), and then we played Cribbage, Linz SKUNKED me on the first game, and came very close to beating me on the second game. But during the game-play, we talked. Just talked. And laughed. I hope our kids remember these times with the fondness I have for them. As a parent, it's good to let your hair down once in a while. It won't hurt you to be goofy, and it won't tarnish your reputation to live on the edge for your kids benefit. I wouldn't trade the times I've had with my family for love or money. They've been awesome. When I die, I hope and pray my kids will have wonderful memories to buoy them through the grief. I wish I had made more with my dad... So, I'm making sure my kids have a lot with me.
This is me... take it or leave it.
This is me... take it or leave it.
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