Last fall, Lindsay, Zack and I all went for a long walk up Little Cottonwood Canyon. I made sure to take along the camera, and I sure am glad I did. Lindsay has such a natural style in front of the camera. We looked into her modeling for a while, but the lifestyle wasn't something we were comfortable with - but as you can see, she certainly has what it takes!

Not only does Linz have a great smile, she also has a great sense of humor. Here she is with her best buddy and little brother dressed up for Holloween last year. Zack (on the left) is Paris Hilton, and Linz is Martha Stewart! I love this picture! I love that Zack is comfortable enough to play around like this. These two are very close to eachother.

Lindsay has always walked to the beat of her own drum - which is something I've always loved about her. Linz has tatoos, has experimented with piercings and basically sets her own style. Her independence has gotten her into some trouble in the past, and we've even butted heads on her choices, but overall, she's a responsible and respectful young woman.

Lindsay and Zachary are inseperable. Growing up I always wanted to have a big sister. It took years for me to discover that I actually had a big sister. Zack on the other hand has had a big sister from the start! These two are always hanging out and getting into trouble. I love watching the relationship they have. It's what I've always wanted, and I see it realized in these two. I hope they're always close.

Speaking of doing crazy things... One day, Zack wanted a mohawk... And Lindsay was only more than happy to support him in that endeavor, and even supplied the spikes!

Linz and Zack excitedly got together and cooked for St. Patrick's Day. And to make it completely authentic, they cooked a corned beef! Corned beef, cabbage, irish potatoes and carrots and a cake with green frosting to finish it all off! They were very proud of this moment - as they should be!
Linz came home one day and showed us the newest thing in the life that is Lindsay... a nose piercing! I couldn't believe that she would do that... having a large gauge needle shoved through your septum makes me wince! But that's just the kind of kid she is... Her own woman!

Lindsay is a great daughter. She is my baseball buddy and loves to just hang out with me. She makes me smile and laugh. She has tremendous potential to do the most amazing things in her life. There is nothing that is out of her reach!
I gave her my Ovation guitar a few years back, and it wasn't long before she had taught herself to play "Blackbird" by the Beatles. She seems to be like me in that respect. I can pick things up fairly quick, but unless I stick with it, I lose it pretty fast. I hope that she never gives up on music though, it is so important in life. We need all the music we can get!

Another thing that Linz and I have in common is that we're horribly vain! We are always goofing off with our digital cameras and taking self portraits! I don't know what this one was for, but I wanted to put it here. She is cute. There's no getting around that one!
Lindsay has brought us so much joy in our lives. When she was little, she used to be such a little girly girl. She would dance around the living room and sing nursery songs. She would also tell stories, and color like all other little kids, but there was such an inner joy in everything she did. She's always had an ability to see good in people and to find joy in what she's doing. She worked for a long time at Hire's Big H, and even though it was hard some times, she would laugh and talk about all of the crazy people she worked with. She ended up quitting that job and got a job at a local boarding kennel. She has made incredible progress. Having only been there a few months, she's already the acting manager! I'm so proud of her!

Lindsay and Nana have always been very close. Part of the reason is my mother was there when Lindsay was born. My Mom had never seen anything like that. She had been put to sleep when she delivered Todd, and had not seen a live child birth before. She looked a little pale, and stayed at the back of the room, but like a trooper, she stayed through the whole thing. Since that time, Nana's always had a special place in her heart for Lindsay.

Lindsay is a good Mommy. Her little kids, Zim and Bambi, love their Mommy so much. There have been many times when I've heard Linz say that her life would be empty without her kids. I totally understand that. Not only do I feel that way about my children, but also about my four-legged kids and grandpuppies. As soon as Mom comes through the door, her kids go absolutely nuts and ping off the walls until Mom can love on each of them. Zim looks like he's jumping on a trampoline until Linz snatches him out of the air. It's cute.

Lindsay has been with Mike for a long time. They make a cute little family. I have high hopes for these two kids. This is the longest relationship that Linz has been in. I'd like to see her married, but I'm not in a huge rush. She's such a great kid - she deserves the very best!
I love Lindsay. Having a little girl was the fulfillment of a dream. I'm so happy that we've been blessed to have her in our lives. We've had our rocky moments in life, and we've even had times where we didn't like eachother much, but that's behind us now. Linz and I are very much alike, so it's natural that occasionally we'll have a blow out. As a first child, I'm sure we've placed some unrealistic expectations on her, but she's always come through. She has incredible spirit and drive. She failed the first few years of highschool while she was out doing drugs, drinking, and rebelling against us. But, she pulled herself together, and in her senior year of highschool, she completed 2.5 years of school in one year. I was so proud of her. She graduated on the honor roll and even won a scholarship for the most improvement! It tells me one thing. The sky is the limit for this little girl. She is a beautiful young woman with more potential than anyone I know.
Lindsay, your dad loves you! I'm a better man for having a daughter like you. Not only do I love you, but I genuinely like you too! I feel as though I have a friend in you that goes well beyond just being my daughter. You challenge me to be a better dad, and I'm glad you're as strong as you are. Thank you for being my kid, and my pal. I love you!
This is me... take it or leave it!
I love Lindsay. Having a little girl was the fulfillment of a dream. I'm so happy that we've been blessed to have her in our lives. We've had our rocky moments in life, and we've even had times where we didn't like eachother much, but that's behind us now. Linz and I are very much alike, so it's natural that occasionally we'll have a blow out. As a first child, I'm sure we've placed some unrealistic expectations on her, but she's always come through. She has incredible spirit and drive. She failed the first few years of highschool while she was out doing drugs, drinking, and rebelling against us. But, she pulled herself together, and in her senior year of highschool, she completed 2.5 years of school in one year. I was so proud of her. She graduated on the honor roll and even won a scholarship for the most improvement! It tells me one thing. The sky is the limit for this little girl. She is a beautiful young woman with more potential than anyone I know.
Lindsay, your dad loves you! I'm a better man for having a daughter like you. Not only do I love you, but I genuinely like you too! I feel as though I have a friend in you that goes well beyond just being my daughter. You challenge me to be a better dad, and I'm glad you're as strong as you are. Thank you for being my kid, and my pal. I love you!
This is me... take it or leave it!
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