This is from our one and only family vacation we've taken. Why only one? Well, honestly, we've only ever been able to save up for one. Sad huh? I suppose I should clarify that - this was the full-enchilada trip - Disney Land, California Adventure, Universal Studios, Sea World, San Diego etc... We really shot the moon, and did we ever have a great time! I'll get some of the other images from that trip and post them later, but I want to explain this one!
What you see here is the culmination of literally HOURS of trying to pursuade Zachary to take this ride, Splash Mountain. He wasn't going to have anything to do with it - he was just too scared. Well, obviously we finally got him on the ride, but not without a lot of tears and threatening. We had a blast and all the time we waited for the big ugly drop at the end. This picture is worth a thousand words. Drew was looking forward to it, Linz was all about it, Dad (me) was having a good time, Chris just closed her eyes, but Zack? I honestly think you could have heard his scream in Reno, Nevada! When we saw this picture, we had to have it. Normally we don't buy the kitchy pictures and frames, but this was just too much.
It resides on prominent display in our living room, and Zack has never stopped being teased about it. Did Chris and I feel any guilt for having caused so much mental trauma to our dear little boy? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!!
This is me... take it or leave it.
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