This is my wife Chris (left) and my little sister Lisa (right). We were at Lisa's house in southern Utah, and they were making Cinimmon Rolls - no one on earth make better cinimmon rolls than Lisa!
Obviously, having been married for 23 years, Chris is the love of my life. She is such a beautiful woman - not only on the outside, but especially on the inside. She has the most amazing heart. She is kind, loving, supportive, firm, loving, and unselfish. I could never have hoped for a better wife and friend. I love you Chris!
Lisa is my little sister (one of two). We didn't know eachother growing up (a LONG story for another post...) but since we've found eachother we've been very very close. Chris and Lisa are a lot alike. They're best friends. When we get together, Lisa must feel a little bit like a tug-rope... Chris and I compete for her attention and time! I love her so much. She's taught me a lot about loving unconditionally. My life would be empty without her.
I have other sisters, and I have a wonderful daughter too... and they also fall under the heading of MOST important too... but they'll be part of another post.
Chris, Lisa? I love you both. Thanks for being in my life.
This is me... take it or leave it
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