This is a pretty typical situation in our house. Simon LOVES the big dogs. He's always walking up to them and grooming their faces and ears. It's really cute, and you can just tell that the boys really really like it. Keats will make these long drawn-out groans while Simon is grooming his ears. It's really adorable.
Keats is at the Vet Hospital right now. He's been favoring his back leg and limping badly for a few days, so we took him in to be checked out. It turns out that the doctor thinks he's got one of two things wrong with him. First, he thinks that he may have torn a tendon or ligament in his knee, or worse, he thinks there may be a mass tumor above his knee. Keats has all these small skin moles that are normally pre-cancerous all over him, and that is why they think it may be cancer. He's going in to surgery on Monday to see what's really going on. We've decided that if it's cancer, we'll bring him home, and love on him until he's gone. Basically, just make him as comfortable as possible, for as long as possible. If it's not cancer - which is obviously our hope - we'll get him fixed up, get most of those moles taken off, and hopefully have this loving dog in our lives for many more years.
My life would be so empty without animals in it. Keats is a kind, gentle, loving dog - if not a bit nuts at times. But when he wants your attention, he has wonderfully gentle ways of letting you know. It's true Keats was a rescue case. But he's wormed his way into our hearts to stay. I really hope it isn't cancer. We lost Cricket to cancer... and we knew the risks with Boxers and cancer, but I would never trade the time we've had with them all.
This is me... take it or leave it.
Keats is at the Vet Hospital right now. He's been favoring his back leg and limping badly for a few days, so we took him in to be checked out. It turns out that the doctor thinks he's got one of two things wrong with him. First, he thinks that he may have torn a tendon or ligament in his knee, or worse, he thinks there may be a mass tumor above his knee. Keats has all these small skin moles that are normally pre-cancerous all over him, and that is why they think it may be cancer. He's going in to surgery on Monday to see what's really going on. We've decided that if it's cancer, we'll bring him home, and love on him until he's gone. Basically, just make him as comfortable as possible, for as long as possible. If it's not cancer - which is obviously our hope - we'll get him fixed up, get most of those moles taken off, and hopefully have this loving dog in our lives for many more years.
My life would be so empty without animals in it. Keats is a kind, gentle, loving dog - if not a bit nuts at times. But when he wants your attention, he has wonderfully gentle ways of letting you know. It's true Keats was a rescue case. But he's wormed his way into our hearts to stay. I really hope it isn't cancer. We lost Cricket to cancer... and we knew the risks with Boxers and cancer, but I would never trade the time we've had with them all.
This is me... take it or leave it.
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