The kids come in, walk to the fridge, look in, help themselves, turn on the tv and just hang out. All of Mark and Lisa's boys invite their friends to come and hang out with their parents. It's most unusual!

I met Wes on this trip. He is a big, gentle giant like Gerrick. Wes was adopted too, and his birth parents are from Columbia. He jokingly tells people that he's the son of a powerful Columbian Drug Lord. If he wasn't such a kind and gentle guy, you'd be inclined to believe him!

Brady's girlfriend is Lauren. How such a surley, moody kid like Brady got a cute girl to fall for him is beyond me. (Just kidding about the surley and moody Brady... but I still don't get what she sees in you!) Brady is getting ready to go on a mission for the Mormon church, so they won't get to see each other much over the next couple years. They make a cute couple. Brady plays the drums in a band with his brother Gerrick... hope he doesn't lose his rythym! Maybe they'll send him to Brazil, and he'll come back with MORE!

Gerrick is only 16... if you can believe it! He's huge! I used to love teasing Gerrick when he was younger. I would tell them fantastic stories about how I used to be a pirate, and Gerrick would always sit there with big round eyes, buying every word I said. Gerrick is an accomplished musician and plays a mean guitar. Gerrick also plays the tuba, and was recently selected to go to europe to represent his school in the band... he's not sure he's gonna go... I need to beat some sense into that kid!... Well... maybe not... he could flatten me with one swipe of his bear-paw sized hands!

When Kimmie isn't around, Wes steps in as Gerricks um... how do I say this? Partner? No... um Companion? Um... nah... "Special Friend..." let's just leave it at that! Wes is a nice kid. He is a total health-nut, and has even succeeded in getting Gerrick to eat (drum roll please!) TOFU! Wes is just one of many kids that feel at home in Mark and Lisa's house. It's a great lesson to us all, after all - they must be doing something right!
This is me... take it or leave it.
This is me... take it or leave it.
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