Friday, October 20, 2006

Who woulda thunk it?

So, here I am, doing a Google search trying to see how hard it is to find my blog, and low and behold, do you know how many people have named their blog, "This is me...Take it or leave it" ? I was stunned!

You know what this means don't you? I HAVE TO CHANGE MY BLOG NAME! I can't have a blog name that's used by everyone on the planet! I can't be just one of the nameless hoard! I can't be yet another follower! I must be different! (Like THAT'S hard!)

So, I'm looking for a new name... I'll let you know what I come up with, but right now I'm leaning towards, "Mike's Blog." Catchy huh? Or, how about this one, "My Blog" ? Come on! You gotta love that!

There is a belly dancer who's blog is called "This is me... Take it or leave it." There is a gal who's WAY into witchcraft, the occult, and fairies, and her blog is called "This is me... Take it or leave it." So I'm certainly going for another name!

If you have any suggestions (keep it clean), let me know! You can't imagine how crushed I was when I realized I won't be signing off with my typical line... now, I'll have to change it all.

One thing I do know - I've loved blogging... it's a radical cross between scrapbooking and journaling... where else can you have so much fun!? Keep watching... something new this way comes!

This WAS me... I think I'll leave it!


  1. how 'bout...He likes it! Hey Mikey!

  2. LOL... I love it! But after growing up hearing that all my life, it doesn't necessarily evoke good ok... I'm going to go weep by myself for a while... thanks... thanks for this...
